7 Steps I Took to Stop Dating Avoidant Men and Start Building a Healthy Relationship

Sgnificant personal growth and mindset shifts

Ellen Nguyen


Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

Before meeting my husband and undergoing my healing journey, I often found myself in relationships with avoidant partners who couldn’t commit to me. These relationships left me feeling unworthy and filled with self-doubt. However, as I began to heal, I shifted my beliefs and mindsets, which transformed my love life. Here’s how:

1. Cultivate beliefs in abundance

One of the first steps I took was believing that great men were abundant and that the man I desired existed. More importantly, I believed I deserved him as I worked on myself. This mindset shift was crucial. By embracing the idea that there were plenty of wonderful men out there, I opened my heart to new possibilities and stayed positive even when faced with setbacks. This belief in abundance kept me motivated and optimistic throughout my journey.

I often reminded myself that just because I hadn’t met the right person yet didn’t mean he wasn’t out there. I visualised the kind of relationship I wanted and held onto the belief that it was possible for me. This positive outlook attracted positive energy and opportunities into my life.



Ellen Nguyen
Ellen Nguyen

Written by Ellen Nguyen

Freelance writer & digital creator | London based | Psychology BSc. Editor of LovefulMind.com, empowering women.