I Finally Understand Why I Never Had A Serious Relationship

I no longer identify with the girl I was but I had so much empathy for her.

Ellen Nguyen
4 min readDec 1, 2022


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I’ve been with my husband for three years and married for half a year.

Before meeting my husband, I’d never had a serious relationship.

None of my past relationships lasted longer than eight months, and the eight-month relationship happened when I was a teenager.

It doesn’t matter anymore, but back then, I was very insecure about it.

I thought something was wrong with me. Every break-up was intense and painful. I believed I was unloveable. I was desperate to fix myself.

And sure, I did.

I had a long list of things that were wrong with me and I fixed them one by one in therapy and through many other self-investments.

What I was wrong about, though, was that I wasn’t unloveable. I was loveable, I just didn’t know how to love myself and choose the people who were capable of loving me too.

I even had evidence of that.

The other day, I found a bunch of saved Whatsapp chat files between me and some significant exes — significant not because we were serious but because they left a big emotional…



Ellen Nguyen

Freelance writer & digital creator | London based | Psychology BSc. Editor of LovefulMind.com, empowering women.